The Power of Meditation in Finding Your Inner Peace

The moment you start breathing, there is an invitation people hardly see, an invitation welcoming you into a stressful business called “LIFE.” The average human goes through challenges daily, challenges ranging from relationship issues, work challenges, money issues, and many other things that can leave one sad, hopeless and depressed if solutions are not found.
A person can start the day on a very high, and suddenly a letter, phone call or message about not achieving the desired goal can leave one struggling for the rest of that day. Then just when you are beginning to find hope again, you switch on your tv set only to find news of violence, killings, theft, rape situation, and sometimes religious brutality. There is often no end to the stress as the list goes on.
Once upon a time, people could travel without any form of fear of reaching their destination, and parents were confident taking their kids to school without fear of gunmen abducting and requesting large sums. We could live in peace with neighbors, family, and friends without the slightest thought of evil. The times have become darker and people are constantly in the search of finding one thing which is that “Inner Peace” which gives strength to live within the times.
The absence of faith is fear, and the presence of faith is peace. One of the major fears that have engulfed a lot of people in these times is the whirlpool of change. Most people are scared of change and what follows it, so the burden of thinking about what could be or not has crippled the inner peace of so many people. When it comes to living, nothing is secure and nothing is immune to change. Life in time will always take back everything you have as a result of the change. The baby today will someday change into an old man or woman who would eventually die. The job you love through retirement will be taken, your health can be snatched by illness and inevitably death is certain for all living beings.
Due to the factors that change brings, people have lost their peace, and are in a state of constant depression, war, and conflict of thought with themselves and dwelling in the fear that comes with the unknown. Living in these times will require you have a strategy that shuts the door of fear and opens widely the voice of peace. One of those strategies is “Meditation.”
Meditation is a strategy by which we experience peace, love, happiness, and joy and intrinsically harness that state of complete well-being. It helps to give that Cushing into finding inner peace within and outside. It helps you see love in its purest form taking your attention away from the worries and care of the world and redirecting you to a conscious state of peace and quiet which is the birthing theater for solutions, advancement, and growth. Understanding some of the benefits of meditation will be helpful during these times.
Meditation Heals: Meditation can be as potent as taking a pill gotten from the clinic. It helps reduce stress and anxiety causing the body to experience a level of calmness, which is a good antidote to illness of any kind. Meditation has helped millions of people around the world to relieve themselves from anxiety and stress which in turn has helped in alleviating stress-related ailments such as high blood pressure, insomnia, chronic pain, and fatigue while reducing cases of heart failure and hypertension.
Meditation Helps to Find Peace: Meditation brings us closer to finding peace. Due to the level of calmness in meditating, a person is quicker to find peace within and also outside. Like a person who sprays a good fragrance inside of his house, the effect of the good scent isn’t just felt inside, but radiates to others within that circumference. When we attain inner and outer peace through meditation, we become ambassadors of unity, love, and peace not just for ourselves, but to the world in extension.
Meditation Eliminates Fear: One major byproduct of meditation is the eradication of fear. The fear of the future, the fear of change, and all others. Meditation brings us closer to divinity and makes us realize we are never alone, despite maybe feeling lonely in physically. Meditation helps bath us in an alchemy of bliss and a state of total well-being bringing us to a consciousness of love, peace joy, and happiness.
Meditation Brings Solutions: Life presents everyone with challenges, hurdles, and problems that require solutions. The greatest challenge for any individual is being confronted with a challenge, without the requisite knowledge of solving that challenge. Meditation helps you think, not just any thought, but thoughts in the right direction to find solutions that guarantee a maximum level of productivity. Meditation eliminates a lack of balance caused by mental stress and creates a calm haven that brings about ideas, spurs creativity, and in turn helps us function more effectively and peacefully in this world.
“When we meditate, we not only meditate for ourselves but also create positive vibrations which nullify negative vibrations. A tiny atom thus has power. Your mind is tinier than the tiniest atom, it has so much power!” Gurudev Shankar.